Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I would like to quote a few interesting sentences from the book that I am reading now.'Finklerish' thoughts,'Finklerish' queries,'Finklerish' answers.......

Here they are:

Many a time Libor stood behind his wife Malkie while she played  her piano.Marvelling at her expertise,at the smell of  aloes and frankinese(all the perfumes of Arabia) that rose from her hair,and at the beauty of her neck.

A neck more graceful, he had told her the day they had met,than a swan's.Because of his accent,Malkie had thought he had said her neck was more graceful than a svontz,which had reminded her of a Yiddish word her father often used,meaning penis.Could Libor really have meant that her neck was more graceful than a penis?

Another excerpt:

'You think there is no such thing(anti-Semitism)?What do you say to St Paul,itching with a Jewishness he couldn't scratch away until he'd turned half the world against it?'
'I say thank you,Paul, for widening the argument.'
'You call that widening? Strait is the gate,remember.'
'That's Jesus, not Paul.'

'That's Jesus as reported by Jews already systematically Paulised.He couldn't take us on in the flesh so he extolled the spirit.You're doing the same in your own way.You're ashamed of your Jewish flesh.Have ranchmones on yourself. Just because you're a Jew doesn't mean you're a monster.'
'I don't think I'm a monster.I don't even think  you're a monster.I'm ashamed of Jewish,no,Israyeli actions-'

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